March 20, 2018
Matt’s connection with ordinary people, his character in a shifting world, and passion for integrity in government were determining factors in my endorsement.
What does the County Commission do?
A list of nearly 40 “General Powers and Duties” of the Hamilton County Commission is here:
Among these responsibilities, commissioners:
> Hold the county’s power of eminent domain.
> Maintain infrastructure including roads and bridges.
> Authorize county contracts.
Serious questions are being raised about how these commissioners do their work, and about who influences them.
The Hamilton County Commission: Well Guarded
> Meeting, as they do, at 1:30 PM on a Monday, it’s difficult for taxpayers to attend.
> Beginning, as they do, in Executive Session that can last an hour or more, business appears to be cooked before commissioners step into the light.
> Receiving, as they do, hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from vendors and contractors who do millions in business for the county, commissioners invite awkward questions which taxpayers are asking.
…..Enter Matt Milam….
Matt’s connection with the people
Matt connects with ordinary people, and it’s a big reason I support him for Hamilton County Commissioner. I want Hamilton County to get to know this good man.
Fourteen years ago, Matt went to the door of every home in Home Place. He led his community in resisting annexation by Carmel. In the process he earned the trust of his neighbors––rare in politics today.
As a county commissioner, Matt promises to promote the best interest of all the people of the County.
Matt’s Character in a shifting world
It’s not hard to identify office holders who accept large campaign contributions from big players, then award contracts to big players. “That’s not right,” says Matt Milam.
Matt backs up his concerns with action. He willingly undergoes the headaches of a campaign. He is the definition of selflessness. He displays the character that he calls for in others.
Matt’s passion for integrity…where it is especially needed today: in government
The most powerful lessons are not taught by the mouth, but displayed in one’s life. At a time when the public is weary of corruption in politics and equally wondering if there is hope, Matt steps up to the plate. We need Matt’s integrity on the Hamilton County Commission.
It’s not the expenditure of money that is the immediate concern here. It’s the possible connection between large campaign donations and the recipients of county money. What’s happening now is odious.
I want my grandchildren growing up in a county where they look up to their leaders, and give them the respect they have earned. I am encouraged that there is one such candidate running for Hamilton County Commissioner in 2018.
Matt Milam is that person. His life displays the character and integrity we need in County government.
Please join me in voting Matt Milam for Hamilton County Commissioner, District 1, on May 8!