Inspirational Movies

William Wilberforce

Tonight Ruth and I watched William Wilberforce, the soul-stirring account of his life-long struggle to end slavery. On his deathbed in 1833––three days before he died––he learned that slavery had been outlawed in the British Empire. The following year, 800,000 slaves throughout the British empire were set free.

The historian, GM Trevelyan, described it as “one of the turning points in the history of the world.”

*This video may be found on Amazon Prime Video.

Gospel of Liberty

Ruth and I were inspired this evening by watching “Gospel of Liberty,” a short history of religious liberty in Virginia. Though from a period 250 years ago, there are remarkable similarities….

*Available on Amazon Prime Video.

Hudson Taylor: Into the Heart of the Dragon

Wow! Ruth and I just watched “Hudson Taylor––Into the Heart of the Dragon.” A story of utter dependence on God, and of God’s never-failing faithfulness.

A pioneer missionary to China in the 1800s, Taylor founded the China Inland Mission. View this movie, and see what God might say to you.

*Available on Amazon Prime Video.

Steve Saint: The Jungle Missionary

Tonight Ruth and I watched “Steve Saint: The Jungle Missionary.” His father, Nate Saint, was one of five missionaries martyred at the hands of the Aucas in Equator in the 1950s. We were moved by the transforming power of God, which has brought peace with God to many of the Aucas. Be inspired!

*These videos are all available free on Amazon Prime Video.

Servant of Christ: Robert Jermain Thomas

In tonight’s escape to reality, Ruth and I watched the story of Robert Jermain Thomas. One of the earliest missionaries to Korea, his martyrdom in 1866 at the age of 27 would prove the seed of many conversions, and later revivals. His brief life bore witness to Tertullian’s observation, “The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church.”

Two Hats

Another amazing movie, this time about a missionary family’s outreach in Papua, New Guinea.

(This movie can be found on Amazon Prime Videos.)

Adonirum and Ann Judson: Spent for God

Friends, once again Ruth and I were stirred by a movie of a courageous believer––this time, Adonirum Judson, pioneer missionary to what was then Burma (now Myanmar). (One of the first books I read in seminary was his biography, To the Golden Shore.)

(This movie can be found on Amazon Prime.)

C. H. Spurgeon: The People’s Preacher

C.H. Spurgeon: The People's Preacher

Once again, Ruth and I released the cares of this world for an evening of inspiration; this time, the story of Charles Spurgeon. Find encouragement…and new life in Christ, if that’s what you’re really needing.

(This video may can found on Amazon Prime Video.)