March 12, 2018
He is loved in his district as much as he is vilified in Indianapolis. But first:
Republican State Representative Curt Nisly was elected to the Indiana House of Representatives in 2014, defeating incumbent Republican Rebecca Kubacki in the primary, 64.8% to 35.2%. He then prevailed in the general election over Democrat David C. Kolbe, 70.3% to 24.7% (Independent Michael L. Stinfer garnered 5.1%).
Curt was unchallenged in the 2016 primary, and beat Democrat Brian Smith in the general, 77.39% to 22.61%.
Source: Ballotpedia
Curt Nisly is running for reelection, and has a primary challenger.
> Curt is one of the few in the Indiana legislature who voted AGAINST the gas tax of 2017.
> He voted FOR a balanced state budget in 2017.
> In 2017 he offered an amendment to HB1071 that would have exempted all persons over the age of 18, not barred from possessing a firearm under state or federal law, from having to get permission from the state to carry a firearm. Curt stood his ground by appealing the decision of the Chair, in a successful attempt by his caucus to kill the amendment.
> In 2016, he OPPOSED expansion of the wheel tax.
> In 2015 he voted AGAINST the RFRA fix, in contrast to the vast majority of his caucus.
Curt Nisly said he would protect life, and has authored the “Protection at Conception” bill each of the last two years. Some say this bill has no political future, and I understand their misgivings.
Yet Representative Nisly has persistently raised the plight of the over 7,000 Hoosier babies put to death by induced abortion every year. No one in Indianapolis, to my knowledge, has stimulated the debate like Curt. Ending this massive killing is a serious conversation that must be had, and I honor Curt Nisly for his vision and courage.
For his trouble Curt has been castigated and ostracized, as if there were no room for an independent thinker in a State House of 100 Members. I, for one, would be thrilled to vote for someone with his authenticity, character, and courage!
Curt Nisly represents his constituents of District 22 in Indianapolis; he does not impose Indianapolis thinking on his District.
I am honored to lend my support to Curt Nisly––truly, the people’s representative.
Jim DeCamp
What a pleasure going door-to-door with Curt Nisly today in Indiana’s House District 22.
April 7, 2018

Plus delicious pizza with Curt and Mary.
Great couple, great candidate!
Curt Nisly for State Rep.`