October 14, 2020

My first conversation with Victoria Spartz was at a Zionsville Meet-and-Greet (for another candidate) in 2016. The place was packed and noisy, but I listened to her and liked what I heard. Here’s what impressed me about Victoria:
Whether addressing free market principles, national security, or individual liberty, Victoria Spartz spoke clearly and forcefully. I thought, Here is someone who’s not going to be intimidated by the Left.
Born and raised in Ukraine, Victoria understands the soul-destroying tyranny of socialism. Having emigrated to the U.S. and become a citizen, she treasures the freedom found in the United States of America.
After two years in the Indiana State Senate, I have seen Victoria vote her conscience––which also reflected that of her constituents. For example, she signed the letter asking the governor to call a Special Session of the Legislature!
I am persuaded that she will stand her ground in the United States House of Representatives, as well, on subjects including:
The Constitution. Preserving the 2nd Amendment and protecting the sanctity of all human life.
Immigration. Curbing illegal immigration and streamlining the bureaucratic process to citizenship.
Debt. Tackling the debt not by raising taxes but by cutting the size and spending of government. (This area, especially, is where her forcefulness and the courage of her convictions will need to be applied.)
Healthcare. She knows that present costs are unsustainable, and that the solution lies in greater competition, and patient-centric free market remedies.
National Defense. Her keen understanding of geopolitical threats undergirds her strong support for the United States military.
In addition, please go to https://www.spartzforcongress.com/issues/ for her outstanding positions on Education, Government Transparency and Accountability, Business Regulations, and Term Limits.
Beyond the impressive number of Indiana Republican elected officials, Victoria is endorsed by
Indiana Right to Life PAC.
The NRA.
The Club for Growth.
Indiana Farm Bureau AgELECT.
Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader: “Victoria has my complete endorsement….”
Minority Whip Steve Scalise: “I look forward to welcoming Victoria to Congress next year!”
President Donald Trump needs Victoria’s support. Join me in voting Victoria Spartz for U. S. Congress!