Links to Breitbart (1), Breitbart (2), and Townhall (3)

1. In Pennsylvania, True the Vote sues on behalf of four Pennsylvania counties.
“Their findings, they said, could reveal double votes, votes cast by ineligible voters, votes cast by felons, votes cast by non-citizens, and votes cast through ballot harvesting…The Pennsylvania election process was an embarrassment to our country and an affront to our deep-seated value of protecting Americans’ basic Constitutional right to vote.”
2. Georgia Announces By-Hand Recount of All Votes…in every county.
“…[D]ue to the narrow margins, (Georgia Sec. of State) Raffensperger is requiring a ‘by-hand’ recount in all 159 counties.”
3. Arizona’s Sec. of State Katie Hobbs (D) Refuses to Allow an Independent Analysis of Voting Data.
Senate President Karen Fann (R-Prescott): “And for the integrity of our democracy, why wouldn’t we want to get to the bottom of these questions?”
Also, “…the Trump campaign filed a lawsuit against [Hobbs] over allegations that Maricopa County ‘incorrectly rejected votes cast by in-person voters on Election Day.’”